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Week 4

On Monday we had a guest lecturer from eSupplie Oy wich is like e-Marketplace platform to a sevice provider for industrial sourcing. It was very important to learn how you can save your costs e.g. if you are looking for some goods you can buy those cheaper from some other place and save huge amount of money. If you have more resources you can hire more employee to your firm. He also told us how important is to write a blog aspecially in companies because there your customer can learn about your firm and your tasks. But you have to think who is the target customer who is reading your blog (CEO or marketing people).

On thursday we had to keep our own lecture about something where we want to develop our selves so we decide to do a presentation about "How to keep a good presentation". I know that run a presentation is hard to someone (as specially in english) so thats why we tried to pick the main points which you should keep on your mind. We didn't perfom it today but you can check it from Google Drive :)

I saw some amazing lectures by my classmates!! There was cool videos, different kinds of techniques and good presentations. As specially I found interesting a lecture about blogging. I enjoyed the video and I have read those girls bloggs and they are very good about writing and taking pictures so I belive everything what they say. The reason why I liked their presentation is that I don't feel so comfortable to write as specially in english so this presentation gave me more hope that I will survive. Actually I have to say that this is now my fourth blogpost and I have courage to say that I belive that I finally get it! I can really see me at these two latest posts.

One of my favorite was also The Puma boys. The project was very interesting and also different that I have done. It seems that they had so much fun, they had a passion for football and also they get to go a little road trip. I liked they video too and they had editing it well.

Thank you guys! You were incredible! (don't take the picture the wrong way, it was just funny).

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