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Week 15

This is it. My last week of Digital business course have came to an end and feelings are sad but also

inspired. During fall semester I have seen so many inspiring lecturers and presentations, learn digital breakthrough and got to work with amazing team, DIGirls + our digital coach Faysal. I have learned things which have been hard for me to understand like SEO or cloud technology but also things which have put me think about me. What do I want. Oh, and my writing skills are much better now. Overall I feel grateful. On Monday I couldn't come to school because I was seeing my relatives in Central Finland (we had rehearsal presentations and our team naild it and did a great job). Today (Thursday) we had our final presentations about what we have done and learned during the course. If you remember that our target companies were DigiPeople Studio and Emotion Tracker and both asked for to be creative and think outside the box. And we did. We planned story lines and the craziest marketing campaigns and presented those and our journey to our class and guests. I hope that they got some useful ideas from us.

So, I can summarise the course of three main things which everybody have to remember:

1. Believe yourself

2. Chase your dreams

3. Go out of your comfort zone

Now I am heading to new adventures to Paris. I will spend there a whole spring semester and get to know their culture, language, food and vine (obviously). If you want to follow how I am doing during my student exchange, follow me on Periscope @Essieveliinan and you get the latest updates. I will keep also a blog (I will inform my username later) because the videos are only 24h on Periscope.

Joyeux Noël et bonne année!

Au revoir!

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